Do you have an optical nightmare? Gordon strode through the front door just before noon. The first thing that he noticed was the unmistakable odor of tuna. This was not the welcome scent of a freshly seared sesame-crusted tuna steak. Of course it wasn’t. Rather, the stench that was … Continue Reading...
OPT – Featured Article
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Luxury Lenses and Labs
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Hey there! This time on the Triple-L we’re rolling out to take a look at the real deal when it comes to optical labs. Now, this joint isn’t … Continue Reading...

Coating Boss
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I’m Buddy — welcome to my coating lab! Today I have with me a number of hopeful young men and women that think their coating is the … Continue Reading...
OPT – Special Interests…

Letter from the Editor
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of the things that it's easy to lose sight of in today's industry is what ‘quality’ actually means. And when I say that, I'm referring to it from a few different angles. It's difficult enough for people that are … Continue Reading...

Professional Cheese
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last summer, I drove out to Wisconsin to do a photoshoot at a sports car race. When I originally pitched the idea to my significant other, I had a few things in mind for what to see and do out there, but decided to … Continue Reading...

Quality Photochromics
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aiting for water to boil ranks right up there with the other great time-wasters of our lives. Watching paint dry, watching grass grow, and so on. It is, unfortunately, one of those necessary evils that we need to … Continue Reading...

Quality Lens Designs
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Many people enjoy a good steak. Generally, however, they don’t want to know the details of how it goes from cow to plate - they just want it to be the best steak they’ve ever had. How do you know if the steak is any … Continue Reading...

Quality vs Price
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Are you really getting what you paid for? ne of the major points of high-end food tends to be its presentation. After you get to a certain point, there's no real way to make the food actually taste better, so other … Continue Reading...

Quality of Care
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Running a great restaurant isn’t about being a great chef. While it certainly helps to know how to cook, that knowledge is only ever going to get you so far. There are many more elements that go into being able to … Continue Reading...

The E Series Essil-aide
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“Okay, come on Bobby, there is nothing to this.” e sat in his rusty Pinto in the parking lot outside the store. This was his first solo flight, but it should be easy. This guy only has a few stores, so it … Continue Reading...

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makase, as I’m sure you’ve gathered already, is a Japanese term used in an American context most frequently at sushi restaurants. The word itself roughly means “I’ll leave it up to [ the chef ]”, essentially giving … Continue Reading...

Lens Materials
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There are a number of different choices when it comes down to what your cookware is made out of. Whether it’s cast iron, stainless steel, ceramic, or glass, everything has an upside and a downside. Some of it can … Continue Reading...

Verification and Dispensing Quality Eyewear
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hen you order coffee, you are concerned about just that one cup - you don't care about any of the others that are being made and sold. You also don't care how busy that barista is - you want your order correct, or … Continue Reading...